Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry christmas everyone...

Despite the dog tearing down the Christmas tree and un-wrapping all the beautifully wrapped pressies...

Despite the fact that I have to be on-call for work on Christmas day and can't have a drink until after 4pm...

And despite the fact that I swore off doing Christmas things "because no one else cares about Christmas as much as I do" (insert dramatic stamp of foot and pout here)...

I have found myself signing Christmas songs all day!!!

For a Jewish kid I sure do know a hell of a lot of Christmas carols!!!

Merry Christmas everyone!
May your day be special, whatever you do.
And, may Santa be kind to you all!!


utenzi said...

Happy New Year, Olyal. May 2009 bring you all that you wished you had in 2008 but didn't. Mazel tov!

Cheryl and Ron said...

Hi - I just found you as a follower on my blog. How intriguing it is to have someone following our news and not knowing who they are! I'm guessing you are in V. I am visiting in March - will you come out of the closet?

kenju said...

It has been so long since you posted! Are you okay?

carmilevy said...

I'll second Judy's motion, 4-and-a-half years too late. Hope you're doing well wherever you are. Know you're not forgotten.

carmilevy said...

I'll second Judy's motion, 4-and-a-half years too late. Hope you're doing well wherever you are. Know you're not forgotten.